Is it weird that sometimes I almost dread updating my blog because Asher can have 15 things happen in one day and then by day 3 I start thinking, "Man this is gonna be a long post". Ha! Anyways, Asher has been doing amazingly well. We actually had ANOTHER scare with his kidneys where he stopped peeing for a day and then his blood work on his kidney function goes way out of whack. The doctors flat out told Nick and I that they were starting to get worried and this of course consumed my mind for that entire day and night. To make that day even worse, Nick and I were about to start changing his diaper that evening when he stopped breathing. (This is of course normal for him and almost every preemie). We gave him a little budge but nothing happened. His heart rate and oxygen saturations kept dropping lower and lower. This was by far the scariest moment of my life as people started running into his room I ran out crying and praying for Jesus to perform a miracle and save my baby. All of sudden I see everyone walk out and Nick signals for me to come into the room. Turns out he had a mucous plug blocking his airway and just needed it to be suctioned so he could breath again. Holy COW! You better believe that EVERY nurse in that NICU knows to suction him out every 3 hours now. I pretty much wear it as a sign on my back. Anyways, the next day he had an ultrasound on his kidneys and sure enough, God is miraculous and there were NO structural abnormalities, and he decided he would start peeing again as well. Little stinker. He is now 2lbs 5oz.
Yesterday I was able to hold him for about 2 hours and once I put him back to bed he decided to poop all over me and his blanket but when he finished that he was wide awake. I have never seen him so alert. He was looking right at me, almost like saying "Mommy please keep holding me..." It was amazing but kind of broke my heart a little bit.

Thank you so much for your prayers for our family as we are climbing this mountain. Please keep praying that Asher continues to breath on his own while they are lowering his support hoping to get him off CPAP. Please pray that his kidneys would continue to make the urine they need to and that he would keep peeing. Please pray that he would tolerate getting more and more food and that he keeps pooping well (I know its weird, but this is extremely important with preemies). All in all, would you just pray that God would lay his healing hands on Asher and continue to breath life into him.
Every night I go to bed I imagine that God is holding Asher so gently in his hands and its honestly the picture that allows me to fall asleep. He couldnt be safer anywhere else. Our God is so great!
Hey my lovey... Thank you for updating your blog. It has been tough being so far away while all of this is going on. You are an amazing mother and I am so proud of you. Asher is beyond perfection and he is in my prayers continuously along with you and Nick. You brought me to tears when you wrote "He was looking right at me, almost like he was saying "Mommy please keep holding me..." He knows you are there and those moments when you are able to hold him are so special and important. Soon enough he will be all yours to take home, for now, you are doing the most amazing job just being there for him and loving him in every way that you are able to. I love you so much and am so proud that my little nephew is up to 2 lbs. 5 oz!!! Woo hoo Praise God!
Hey it's Meredith "Ellis" Grimm. I heard about Asher's early arrival via facebook and Heather Abram passed on your blog info to me. I'm so glad that Asher is doing well so far and will pray he continues to do so!! Look forward to following updates here. Please give hugs to your parents!
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